Guided Autobiography

Guided Autobiography, or GAB as it is known, delivers a structure for collecting life stories. The method was established by the respected American Gerontologist Dr James E Birren in the 1970’s. The word ‘guided’ refers to facilitating the recording of a life story with the assistance of an instructor. While closely aligned with narrative therapy principles Guided Autobiography is not therapy, but it is therapeutic.

Dr Birren considered the sharing of our life experiences to be the most beneficial way of giving meaning to our lives, through understanding our past more fully. Your life story needs to be told…

How would you like to be remembered?
[Capture your experiences utilising a proven method for collecting personal stories – Guided Autobiography.]

Your Story

A precious gift to yourself and a legacy to pass on.


Kindle your memories in a small supportive group or individually.


Increased self-awareness and wellbeing.